SRS Certification GmbH is currently accredited by DAkkS under ISO/IEC 17065:2012 for organic product certification.
SRS Certification GmbH 目前已根据 SRS 有机标准获得有机产品认证认可,该标准等同于法规 (EC) No 834/2007 和法规 (EC) No 899/2008。我们被列入 Regulation (EU) No 2021/2325.
SRS Certification GmbH has been accredited by DAkkS for certification against Regulation (EU) 2018/848 for certification of operators in third countries. Furthermore, we have been recognised by the EU Commission as competent to carry out controls and issue organic certificates in third countries for the purpose of imports of organic products into the European Union. The list of countries and categories we are recognised for is published on the last two pages of Regulation (EU) No 2024/2794. See the linked table for products listed in Annex 1 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848, for which we accept applications for certification.
SRS Certification GmbH 目前已获得美国农业部认可,可对植物源有机产品及其加工过程进行认证。 NOP/USDA 国家有机计划 7 CFR Part 205.
我们获得了日本农林水产省颁发的有机 JAS 认证,认证范围包括植物源有机产品、有机加工食品、有机饲料和有机畜产品。您可以在 MAFF 网站(第 32 号认证机构)。