GLOBALG.A.P. Certification
We offer GLOBALG.A.P. certification for a range of sub-scopes in the Crops Base scope of the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) Standard as well as for the Chain of Custody (CoC) scope. We offer GRASP (GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practices) as an add-on to IFA. If you are a producer of fruits & vegetables, flowers and ornamentals, combinable crops, plant propagating material, or tea, you are welcome to apply for GLOBALG.A.P. certification.
Organic Certification Services
SRS Certification GmbH is currently accredited for organic product certification according to the SRS Organic Standard – equivalent to Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and Regulation (EC) No 899/2008; to NOP/USDA National Organic Program 7 CFR Part 205 and to Organic JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standard).
We may serve as certification body to anyone who requires professional service for:
- Organic Product Certification
- Organic in Conversion
- Land History Confirmation
- Input Compliance Verification
1. Organic Product Certification
EU Organic Farming Standards: Regulation (EC) No 834/07 and its implementation rules Regulation (EC) No 889/08. SRS Organic Standard has been recognised by the EU Commission for offering certification equivalent to the EU organic regulations. Certification involves an annual inspection at your organic operation sites, including subcontractors and possible sample taking. Following the certification of your products as organic, you will receive access to TRACES, a website run by the EU for the issuance of transaction documents, so-called Certificates of Inspection (CoI). We offer this service in all countries listed in Regulation (EC) No 2021/2325.
2. Organic in Conversion
From the time you start to work your land organically until the time it can be fully recognised for organic production, a period of up to three years (36 month) is needed, during which no prohibited products can be applied. This is the so-called conversion period. It is advisable, often even mandatory, to be certified during the conversion period, so as to demonstrate that the management of the land has been in compliance with the requested organic standard. SRS can conduct inspections and confirm compliance during the conversion time. Your products may be certified as “Organic in Conversion”.
3. Land History Confirmation
This program applies to operations which are preparing for organic certification on newly cultivated land or on land that had been abandoned and has, for a number of years, not been managed at all. In this case it is advisable, often even mandatory, to inspect and confirm the land history before the first planting of an organic crop. SRS can inspect and issue a land history confirmation which will certify that no prohibited substances have been applied on the land you plan to cultivate for the entire or part of the conversion period.
4. Input Compliance Verification
If you are a manufacturer of agricultural inputs, such as fertilisers, soil amendments, plant protection substances, etc., SRS may review the description of your input and its processing protocol, inspect your operation and verify your products as suitable “for use in organic agriculture”, i.e. they are suitable for farms in compliance with the standards you require: Regulation (EC) No 834/07 and its implementation rules Regulation (EC) No 889/08, NOP Final Rule (National Organic Program) and/or Organic JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standard).
Supplier Audits by SRS
SRS welcomes all international players in the organic market who want to set up business relation with suppliers. We offer our experience and expertise for inspections at your suppliers’ production site and other sites of activities. Distributors of value-added products know that simply looking at the certification of a product does not necessarily guarantee its expected quality. SRS offers monitoring of the quality criteria you require. This may be a guaranteed origin, breed or variety, confirmation of traceability, specific production standards, meeting hygiene or quality parameters, overseeing organic production, labor conditions, a product’s freedom from contamination or sustainably managed resources. Contact us any time for this service.